Compact NMR Spectroscopy can be extremely beneficial for the characterization for materials throughout research, development and production.
“Now we run all our products in our own R&D lab – not only saving us time and money, but also giving us flexibility to acquire conformational NMR data on samples that we wouldn’t have deemed necessary to outsource.”
— Jacob Lance, Technical Manager of Polymer Additives, Dover Chemical Corporation
For example, proton, fluorine, phosphorus NMR can be used to characterize polymeric products including:
Observe reaction completeness and uniformity
Qualify the relative composition of the structural components
Quantify the relative percentages of structural isomers
Observe the presence of stereoisomers and determine polymeric tacticity
Even though polymer NMR has been done on high-field instruments for years, it can be expensive and, depending on the accessibility and availability of the NMR spectrometer, time consuming. Inquire for more information, or to submit samples for free analysis.
X-ray technique, Spark Emission OES, Raman Spectrometer - RGS Corporation Sdn Bhd